Thursday, July 7, 2011

Woolcock Park, Red Hill

Woolcock Park, Red Hill QLD 4060
Access from Hawthorn Terrace, Mossvale Street and Waterworks Road

It took us a long while to find this one... We'd heard of this park that had 'solar powered music things' in it from loads of people we'd met in other play parks around Brisbane but it's location was hazy.

But we tracked it down and found the excellent Gilbert Park in the process. Unfortunately, the solar powered music things appear to be out of order... this may have something to do with the recent floods as the park itself it right next to a creek?

It's a lovely location, very open and bright with BBQ's and beautiful 'leaf' benches. If definitely aimed at 5+ I'd say as there are swings and slides but the other activities are a bit more running around and riding your bike!

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